Invited by my excellent colleague and friend Alain Sacquet to offer feedback during a Think Tank on Agility@Scale traps by GFI, I thought about the angle on which I would like to approach the subject. It didn’t take long before I decided on my favorite topic: the teams, and more specifically, the maturity of the…
Category: Management & Leadership
Inclusive Coding should not be negotiable!
The AJL (Algorithmic Justice League) #CodedGaze initiative aims to sensibilise the tech community about Diversity and Inclusion, in particular around three InclusiveCoding principles: WHO code is important, HOW we code is important WHY we code is important. WHO code is important It is essential to develop diversity in our teams, as already mentioned here: 5…
How to convince your boss and make them say “Yes!” to Chaos Engineering?
Based on our presentation (in French) during the second meetup of Paris Chaos Engineering Community, also done during ChaosConf, San Francisco, in 2018. You may start by telling them you will break everything in production, and that will be fun! We call this in French “coming with big clogs — Gros Sabots.” They will see you coming from…